H.O.P.E. House
Having Opportunities for People Everyday
HOPE House is a place where people recovering from behavioral health conditions find the support and resources they need to pursue their goals and dreams. The clubhouse program focuses on the abilities and talents of its members concentrating on wellness, recovery and opportunities. HOPE House is located in downtown Port Chester, NY and is open 6 days per week including evening, weekend and holiday activities. HOPE House is member driven and peer informed. HOPE House has an established work-ordered day offering many opportunities in the various Units of the clubhouse. Units include Administration, Education, Employment, Kitchen, Social, Clerical, Peer Support and Advocacy. The clubhouse is modeled after Fountain House in New York City, which pioneered the concept and philosophy of this unique approach and has been replicated around the world. HOPE House offers a wide range of activities focusing on recovery and wellness. Members inspire others with shared experiences and mutual support. Members can meet new friends and develop long lasting relationships through participation in activities.
HOPE House provides the following opportunities:
Home and Community Based Services:
For those individuals who have Health and Recovery Plans (HARP) and are eligible for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) the following can be offered at home, at HOPE House, or other community locations.
Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Community Psychiatric Support and Treatment
Empowerment/Peer Support
Family Support
Educational Support
Short Term Crisis Respite
Employment Support
Transitional Employment
Intensive Supported
On-going Supported
Clubhouse Units:
Administration and Membership
Manages the daily operation of the clubhouse
Members are supported as they pursue basic education, GED, and college courses. Tutoring is available and presentations by college representatives are regularly scheduled.
HOPE House provides an array of vocational services from Pre-vocational to ongoing support to those who are independently employed. Many HOPE House members are gainfully employed in a wide variety of, both full and part-time work. We have created of a network of employers across Westchester County who have hired multiple graduates of our vocational programs. We provide both individual and group learning opportunities. Support for employment objectives happen both in and outside of the clubhouse setting.
Pre-Vocational Experience:
Members gain confidence through involvement in the various clubhouse units, including the:
Clerical Unit
Kitchen Unit
Transportation Unit
Administration Unit
Transitional/Supported Employment:
Members work in Transitional or Supported Employment Placements. Positions are secured through local businesses. On the job training and job coaching is available to members throughout the member’s employment. For Transitional Employment Placements, 100% job coverage is guaranteed to the employer.
ACCES-VR provides additional support, training and job placement opportunities at HOPE House. Individuals may receive supported employment services one-on-one or through a number of Vocational Training Programs offered on-site at HOPE House:
Porter Maintenance Clerical Culinary Arts
HOPE House accepts referrals directly from ACCES-VR.
Café HOPE:
Together members and staff plan nutritious menus, shop and prepare meals.
Members obtain skills in operating a snack bar, conducting inventory, and managing a food pantry.
Opportunities for members to work with staff for the daily operation of the club include reception and recording, typing meeting minutes, publishing a daily and quarterly newsletter, and assisting the administration unit on maintaining the daily activities of the clubhouse.
Activities include holiday celebrations, parties, dances, art and music classes,
drama groups, book clubs, photography club and outings.
Peer Support and Advocacy:
Each day member have opportunities to support each other in achieving goals. HOPE House employs NYS Certified Peers who assist members with self-advocacy and mutual support.
Peer Care Management Training:
HOPE House offers an 86-Hour Peer Care Management Training course, which offers participants support in taking and passing the New York State Academy of Peer Services Peer Certification courses. Support to find internships and future volunteer or paid employment opportunities are additionally included as part of the Peer Training.
To contact Hope House please call 914-939-2878